Monday, December 2, 2013

Sita Sings The Blues

Hello again,

I recently saw a very interesting movie which I want to tell you about. It is called Sita Sings The Blues and in the beginning it caught my eye because it had received really good reviews.
After watching the first ten minutes, I realized that this movie is different to anything I have seen before. It is a cartoon about the similarities between the story of a normal couple nowadays and a couple in an ancient Indian myth, the Ramayana. I do not want to tell much about the story of Sita and Rama because I want you to watch it yourself, but a small knowledge about the interesting structure of the film could be helpful if you intend to watch it: As I said, it is a cartoon. Narrators, who are shown as traditional Indian shadow puppets, tell the whole Ramayana, interrupted by short sequences of a contemporary couple. Throughout the movie, the narrators discuss the meaning and the sense of the story in a very sarcastic and funny way. Additionally, to make the film even more interesting, there are some musical episodes in it, that should probably underline the plot.
All in all, I have to say that Sita Sings The Blues is a very interesting, strange and definitely funny movie, even if some songs and parts of the story are told longbreathed. 

By the way, there is even an intermission in the middle of the movie which, in my opinion, is great, although I watched it at home and could have pressed "stop" and "play" as often as I wanted. The simple idea of stopping the film for two and a half minutes amazed me! :)

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